Whenever a revenue anomaly occurs, and after completing the Funnel Analysis, the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is triggered. This involves an AI Agent that creates a deep-dive analysis plan that contains hypotheses that need to be tested to come closer to the “why” the anomaly happened.
The hypotheses tested section presents the details of all analyses performed by the AI Agents, including the final verdict; you can click on each hypothesis to view these details.
The following symbols describe the status of each hypothesis:
: indicates that a hypothesis was retained, i.e., it has most likely contributed to the reported incident and is considered to be part of the root-cause.
: stands for hypotheses that were rejected.
: stands for hypotheses that were not tested (e.g., due to technical reasons).
: means that a hypothesis wasn't tested because it didn't apply to the specific incident (e.g. due to other hypotheses' results) and there was no need to test.
: refers to hypotheses with an inconclusive state. This means the AI Agent was not confident enough to either retain or reject this hypothesis.