This is how to perform a search on Baresquare. When looking for a specific ticket, you don't need to use multiple filtering and sorting options to find it on the ticket feed. Instead, just search for it. It's fast and easy.
You can search for a ticket by referencing any text that appears in its title, description, comments, or attached filenames.
Just type the term or phrase you are looking for, and you will see a list of results that match your search.
Click in the "Search the platform" bar on the far right corner of the header. Then, type in what you are searching for.
Your search term will be scanned through a database of:
the titles and the descriptions of the tickets
the IDs of the tickets
the filenames and the file titles of ticket attachments
the comments and the filenames of the attachments in the comments
Additionally, if "Knowledge" is enabled in your organization, the search term will be looked up in:
knowledge sections & subsections' names
all knowledge attachments file names, titles & descriptions
knowledge comments' content