applies to: "Universal Analytics - Customer Acquisition", "Google Analytics 4 - Customer Acquistion (Business)" Baresquare apps
The 'follow-up analysis" (FUA) is a new feature, which provides additional insights on an already produced Baresquare ticket. It does that by analyzing other metrics and identifying more micro-segments (combination of dimensions), on top of the reported ones. This can help users understand more of "why" something happened.
FUA is currently supported for Google Analytics (GA3 and GA4) datasets only, for the "Entrances" and "Bounce rate", and the "Sessions" and "Engagement rate" metrics, respectively. Users will see the "follow-up analysis" tab in the advanced statistics section below the ticket's description when the feature is enabled.
All “recipes” (namely the different types of analysis) are running for the same micro-segment reported in the ticket, and are triggered by different conditions identified by the Baresquare algorithm in each case. For the time being, the following "recipes" have been implemented (some of them are only available either to GA3 or GA4 datasets):
New/Returning users by Geolocation: extracts and analyzes data for the number of New and Returning users per Country. The output provides more context to the reported incident in terms of missed/gained traffic per user segment and geolocation. It applies to tickets with "Entrances" key metric. [GA3]
Site speed: extracts and analyzes data for the Avg. Page Load Time and the Avg. Server Response Time. The output provides more context to the reported incident in terms of slower website responses, which could possibly explain the rise/drop in Bounce rate. It applies to tickets with "Bounce rate" key metric. [GA3]
Untracked/mistracked campaigns: extracts and analyzes data for Entrances and Bounce rate (Sessions and Engagement rate for GA4) per Landing page and Full Referrer. The output provides more context to the reported incident in terms of campaign tracking issues. It applies to tickets with either "Entrances" or "Bounce rate" ("Sessions or "Engagement rate" for GA4) key metric. [GA3 & GA4]
Underperforming paid campaigns: extracts and analyzes data for Sessions and Engagement rate per Landing page and Campaign Name. The output provides more context to the reported incident in terms of paid campaigns issues. It applies to tickets with "Engagement rate" key metric. [GA4]
Bot traffic: extracts and analyzes data for Pages / Session, Sessions, Page views, and Users (Views per Session, Sessions, Views, and Total users for GA4) concentrated on specific City, Operating System Version, and Browser dimensions. The output provides more context to the reported incident in terms of potential bot traffic and its characteristics. It applies to tickets with either "Entrances" or "Bounce rate" (“Sessions” or “Engagement rate” for GA4) key metric. [GA3 & GA4]
How to use the feature/read the output:
Users can request the analysis by clicking on the "Run analysis now" button:
The loading icon indicates that the analysis is in progress:
When successfully completed, the output is displayed within the same tab. This includes a textual description of the results per recipe, including suggested action, as well as a supporting visualization.
The example below refers to the "Bot traffic" recipe for GA3. In this case, the reported increase in the Bounce rate seems to be related to 42 users with the same characteristics (Operating System and Browser Versions) in Quincy, who all recorded a 100% Bounce rate, viewing one page per session.
Bot detection and the suggested action to exclude the identified traffic from reporting addresses the data quality issue, i.e., it helps organizations to ensure that data is reliable and can be used to make accurate, data-driven, business decisions.
Contact us if you would like to learn more and/or discuss the option of enabling this feature in your account!