Enhanced collaboration enables faster resolution! The Baresquare platform gives you several options to share a specific ticket with your team.
You can learn how to share a ticket to Jira by following the steps below:
1. Head to the "Ticket header menu" located at the top of your ticket screen on the right, and click on the 'Share' icon:
2. Select the “Share to Jira” option:
3: Click on the “Connect with Jira” button to proceed:
4: A new window pops up listing the permissions required by the Baresquare App:
Click “Accept” and Yay! You’re connected! Select “Return to Baresquare” and you are ready to share the tickets you want from now on.
5: Select the following and click on "Share to Jira":
Select the Jira project where you want to share the ticket to
Select a Jira issue type (e.g. task, bug)
Add a comment if you want to provide more details on the shared incident
You have the option to include the "baresquare" label in the Jira ticket you are about to create. If you don't want to include it, just uncheck the respective checkbox.
That's it! Your team members will see the following message in the JIRA project you used:
Remove access to Jira
You can revoke access to Jira at any time by following the steps below:
1: In this screen click on the "revoke access" button:
2: You will be redirected to the Atlassian "Connected Apps" page; find the Baresquare app and click on the "Remove access" button:
3: Confirm that you want to remove access by clicking on the "Remove" button and that's it!